We all work collaboratively together to educate our students. CETL is a collaborative endeavor as a result. Opportunities to get engaged with us and our work include fellowships, leading a faculty learning community, or requesting a confidential peer observation of teaching alongside a personal consultation tailored to your goals for development of your teaching and learning.
Each year we recruit fellows who either offer programming centered around a topic of their interest or lead existing programming alongside our directors. Fellows meet regularly to provide input into what CETL offers and to discuss best practices. Previous topics include inclusive excellence, scholarship of teaching and learning, instructional technology, pedagogy, among many others. Fellows receive a stipend for their work and applications for the following academic year are sent in late Spring semester.
Peer observations of teaching are an impactful way of working together on developing the teaching and learning process. Typically these consist of a trained peer observer participating in a class session followed by a confidential discussion in which the instructor discusses their goals for developing this course. This allows a highly tailored approach to provision of resources, support, and guidance. These can be conducted at any point during the semester can also include review and discussion of student evaluations of teaching. Faculty who are new to Dalton State receive observations during Faculty Academy but these opportunities are open to anyone interested. Request an observation here.
Mid-Semester Evaluations
Mid-semester evaluations are an opportunity to refine and develop a course during the semester rather than waiting for the following semester to make modifications that support student success. This can be particularly important in courses that instructors teach infrequently. Making modifications to a course keeps us fresh and engaged as instructors. Mid-semester evaluations can also serve as a bridge between instructor and student in communicating and facilitating course modifications that can support success. A trained evaluator works with the students independently during a sub-section of class session. Statistically this also frequently improves end-of-course student evaluations of the instructor as a result of their responsiveness to student needs. Mid-semester evaluations are generally conducted between week 4 and 8 of the semester to provide time to make the suggested changes. Request a mid-semester evaluation here.
Alternatively, if you would like to engage in our work in additional ways, please contact us at cetl@daltonstate.edu.